Galvanized Fruit Bucket Wells Wade - Canvas Apple Peach Orchard Fruit order Pickers Bag - Hiker Field Forage Backpack - Garden Herb Sack
Apple Orchard Fruit Picking Bag - Love the worn look on.
Apple Orchard Fruit Picking Bag - Love the worn order look on the canvas and strapping - old galvanized bucket!
Great original label!
Galvanized bucket rim that has a heavy wire that holds canvas bag onto the bottomless bucket.
The very distressed shoulder strap allows for hands-free picking and for a quick carry down the ladder to the crate.
Worn cords looped over side brackets fold canvas up to load bucket.
Unhook cord ties for unloading apples into the crate.
Felt padded rim keeps fruit from bruising while placing in bucket.
I left as found - as usual - too much scrubbing ruins the natural patina.
Replace the strapping and up the ladder you go!
Bag measures approx. 15" wide by 12" tall by 9" deep.