BT21 Minini Large RJ Tatton Plush in Koya Costume Romper Japan BTS Seok order Jin RM
BT21 Minini Large RJ Tatton Plush in Koya Costume Romper Japan BTS Seok order Jin RM, Brand newMinini CollectionRJ in Koya costume/romperLarge RJ soft tatton plush withremovable Koya costumeJapan exclusiveW410 × H460.
Product code: BT21 Minini Large RJ Tatton Plush in Koya Costume Romper Japan BTS Seok order Jin RM
Brand new Minini Collection RJ in Koya costume/romper Large RJ soft tatton plush with removable Koya costume Japan exclusive W410 × H460 × D180(mm) Only order one available.
Brand new Minini Collection RJ in Koya costume/romper Large RJ soft tatton plush with removable Koya costume Japan exclusive W410 × H460 × D180(mm) Only order one available.