This Quilt is a good lap size measuring 45 in by 60 in
Crazy Patch Pastel With Ric order Rack Trim
I have been quilting 25 years. I do not make any assumptions that I am really good but I try to make a quality quilt from quality cotton fabrics. Warm & natural batting. I donate 95% of all quilts I make to good causes.
I Quilt all my quilts by machine
I sell a few quilts to buy supplies. I wash each quilt when I finish quilting it.
I like the old timely look of a finished washed quilt. It looks like your grandmother could have made it.
It makes you want to snuggle up under it
The recipient will also be happy when they wash it. It will look the same as when it was given to them
It washes away any manufacturers finishing.
I use fragrance free detergent made for quilts & no softeners. Any Questions. Please do not hesitate to ask
Thank you very much for looking.
Product code: Hand Make Quilt Pastel Crazy Patch Ric Rack Trim order # 10