A stunning bouquet made from quality preserved roses, hydrangeas and cotton. The bouquet is beautiful and vibrant resembling fresh cut flowers.
This is a perfect alternative for the traditional wedding bouquet with the longevity of up to 5 years, creating a lasting memory of your special day!
7-8 inch bouquet
Preserved flowers are 100% natural. Plant preservation is a totally ecological process that replaces the natural sap of the flower by a preservative. That substance is close to sugar and is 100% biodegradable. Thanks to that natural preserving technique, preserved order flowers retain their flexibility without any maintenance. They require no watering or special treatment.
**Please note, the preservation process results in dehydration to the flower leaving them visually fresh but dry to the touch.
I welcome all ideas and customization, please feel free to message me with any requests. Anything can be done with a little bit of inspiration!
Product code: Preserved Flower Bouquet | Forever order Roses, Carnations, Hydrangeas and Cotton